A wedding is normally a costly event. If you want to marry in a foreign country you might have absolutely no idea about to costs. The cost for a wedding in Vietnam we have summarised for you in this post…
Costs for a wedding in Vietnam
Anyone who has a Vietnamese girlfriend will probably get married sooner or later. It is clear that weddings are not cheap. But what does it cost to get married in Vietnam? Are there inexpensive alternatives? We’ll tell you all of this in this guide so that you know everything about the cost of a Vietnamese wedding in advance.
In Vietnam it can happen that several hundred people are invited to the wedding. Therefore the celebrations taking in the most cases place in a larger restaurant or rented ballroom. Of course this room must be decorated properly for a wedding, which will increase the cost. Also, the reception committee should not be missing, these are mostly young girls who are all dressed in the same outfit. However, the cost and scope of a wedding with a Vietnamese woman can be very different.

The Traditional Vietnamese wedding

The marriage application (can be picked up at any time from the provincial judicial office (So Tu Phap) for a small fee (around 15,000 dong per application). A total of two marriage applications must be completed. However, until all documents have been collected, translated and certified, the costs can increase significantly. It also takes a lot of time and patience. It is much easier and cheaper to marry a Vietnamese woman in Hong Kong. The necessary documents for a wedding in Hong Kong are, in addition to the passports, the application for registration and copies of the passports, as well as a small registration fee. The Vietnamese partner must apply for a visa to enter Hong Kong. This is done within a few days. Not more! More information about that in our guide about marrying Vietnamese women…
The registration fee in Hong Kong at the marriage office costs HKD 300 (€ 30). There are also a few small fees, but it’s inexpensive. You can even book companies that really do everything for you and you don’t have to worry about anything. However, the costs for this are around € 600.
Cost for a wedding celebration in Vietnam
What a Vietnamese wedding costs cannot be said in general. It really depends on what you want and how many guests will come. Usually it costs 500,000 VND per person plus the wedding set-up like the band, the photographer, moderators and the location. The costs also depending on where in Vietnam the wedding takes place. Big cities are more expensive than rural areas. Vietnamese usually pay 50 to 100 million VND for their wedding. Normally the wedding celebrations are over after 2 hours.
However, you should know that if you get married in Vietnam, you can quickly become 100 guests and more. Many of them simply invite themselves. The family’s neighbors also want to be there, of course. So the prices differ enormously depending on the wedding and the social network.
How much did your wedding with a Vietnamese girl cost and did you organize everything yourself? We would appreciate any experience in the comments.